I’m busy

When I say, “I’m busy”
I don’t want to mean it in a way
that is in competition with your life
I don’t want busy to mean
I’m so lost in the shuffle I’ve forgotten
to water these great seeds
of love and friendship and family and growth

When I say “I’m busy”
I want you to know
I am moving at a slower pace
I am choosing moments of absorbing presence
I’m busy slowing down,
to recognize what needs to be tended to,
to see what flowers in my life are in bloom, to be celebrated
And to see what flowers in my life are
struggling to stay rooted, to put some extra nourishment there

I hope your version of ‘busy’
comes with a deep UNlearning of every toxic thing you’ve ever been told or shown
I hope your ‘busy’ is a slow lunch with a good friend where time and cell phones do not exist
I hope your ‘busy’ is memorizing every curve of your child’s face and how they shift in each expression
I hope your ‘busy’ bring moments of joy or calm,
and you no longer run away from those feelings anymore
It’s here we drop the toxicity of being too busy.


I Loved Her, Too


Sometimes We Have To Let People Go