Where Peace Grows
Grief swoops in
It steals time
And holds joy hostage
Grief creeps in silently through every door,
every window,
every crack that it breaks in the foundation
It numbs
And consumes you
Grief shatters every future hope you ever held
It forces you to rebuild
It forces you to become anew
Grief blankets you
It tells you life will feel ok again
But first you must let grief shake you to your core
It’s hard to avoid it
Impossible, even
Grief has its own tricky way of finding its way back in
I don’t bother fighting against it anymore
That’s where the peace starts to grow
Grief plants you at the crossroads,
Where every day you have to decide
whether today you will wither & recoil,
Or whether you will grow & reach towards the sun
Peace starts to grow in the same foundation that grief cracks wide open