
The Emotional Regulator
Amber DeMatteo Amber DeMatteo

The Emotional Regulator

Raising tiny humans is one of the hardest jobs, but it’s incredibly challenging when you yourself are going through something emotionally heart wrenching. Being the emotional regulator of the household can feel overwhelming. It can feel like there’s no space for you or your emotions. Here's some tips for managing the overwhelm.

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Anticipatory Grief: 25 Ways to Support in a Time of Helplessness
Amber DeMatteo Amber DeMatteo

Anticipatory Grief: 25 Ways to Support in a Time of Helplessness

When you know a death loss is coming, it can stir up a lot of emotions and it’s overwhelming to process - for everyone involved. For some, anticipatory grief may be known for years, or as short as a few days or weeks. All of these ways to support may not apply due to your loved one’s timeline left on this earth or physical circumstances. But I do hope that there is something, for anyone who needs help navigating this time.

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The Chill of Fall
Amber DeMatteo Amber DeMatteo

The Chill of Fall

Even when our memories fail us in grief, from remembering anniversaries and dates, we tend to never forget how we felt, and the nuances of hundreds of tiny moments frozen in time.

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